The rolling music box at the middle to generate sound with light goes through the paper. Put several music boxes on the floor that reacts with the music generated.
i want to make a device that would measure the volume level. So i decided to make a VU meter and show the result in form of light. MY idea is the music box generate music then the music trigger the LED devices.
Do some rearch about it then i find a chip can do the effect i want.
after i sucessfully made the device i find out that if i want 4 led then i will need 8 AA battery. The problem is 4 leds are not enougth for my project . So i tried to find ways to add more leds.
After reading many knowledge about electronic circuit i finally figure out a way.
Minim is an audio library that uses the JavaSound API, a bit of Tritonus, and Javazoom’s MP3SPI to provide an easy to use audio library for people developing in the Processing environment. The philosophy behind the API is to make integrating audio into your sketches as simple as possible while still providing a reasonable amount of flexibility for more advanced users. There are no callbacks and you do not ever need to directly manipulate sample arrays, all of the dirty work is handled for you. The download comes in two flavors: (1) just the jar files needed to use Minim and (2) a full distribution that includes the javadocs, examples, and source code. Minim is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), a copy of which is included with both distributions. Users of Minim 1.1 should peruse the Javadocs to see what’s changed (hint: not much has changed, but there are a couple of nice new things).
finally i decide to use processing to make the music box light detection
it allows me to output as many sounds as i like.
and it is free to use easy to extend and use one different pc.
still working on flash action script .
But found a problem , it can only support 4 music out put at the same time. My project need a lot more output for my project. so i will need to change my programming language.
I like starry night with billons of stars. Hong Kong is such a busy city. Light pollution is very serious. Light is everywhere at night. Even when I go fishing surrounded with mountains I can’t see many stars. I know that I can never see a starry sky at night in Hong Kong. So I decide to create one by myself.
I want to have a starry night. Then I think that will be great to make one with music. That inspires me to create a music box that uses light to emit sound that creates also a starry sky effect in a dark room.
The basic structure is a roll with holes. Inside the roll there will be LEDs .Then lights will go through the holes. When we roll it (there will be a handle) lights come through the holes will make an effect of starry night in a completely dark room.
Under the table there will be a web camera linked to a laptop. The web will have color detection that only detect black and white. When it detects white (there is light) it will emit the note of that position. (This will be done by action script).
i raise some of the questions and get some help form ppl online .(i will credit them in my report)
i never study physics and these circuit stuff so the whole project is very challenging
finally i made up a circuit suit my project and i think i am able to finish it.
i will post the circuit diagram later